Monday, July 07, 2008

4th of July 2008

Not your typical fourth of JulIVARS. We were at Gig Harbor for the 4th Weekend. Our first holiday event was the forest beach 4th of July parade. We got on our bikes and away we went....

Leo can't ride more than 10 feet yet so I put him in the stroller and ran off to find the parade. Sylvie and Joey were having technical difficulties on the bikes (the incline was too much for Sylvie) so we ditched them and went to take pictures....
So far so good, fun whooping and patriotic cars, as to be expected.

Bozos in boxers and hats blazting "proud to be an american" , yes expected and welcomed...

Three quasi-firecrackers and a WHAT!?!

Did wonderwoman sign off on this one?

Shortest Skirt ever seen on a 60 year old.
Parade over

Then our friends showed up and we lit some safe stuff like smoke bombs,
Leo was determined on the big wheel and hated the smoke and booms
It was a windy day and hard as heck to light those suckers


The next day we had a more relaxing day

Molly and Cambria

Clams at sunset - YUM!
Haney and Sylvie with Sparklers

A great and exhausting weekend!