Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Point your Fingers and Do the Twist

Thank you Auntie Christie for convincing us to brave Friday night traffic to Tacoma to see the WIGGLES LIVE! It was the highlight of our spring. I was so impressed with the show: I thought that the Tacoma dome would be cavernous but they made it totally intimate. I actually cried a little when the wiggles came out because I couldn't believe how close they were to us and how real they were - like George, Paul, John and Ringo. EVERY song they sing was one of our favorites and Sylvie and I were jumping up and down and singing the entire 2 hour concert.

Here's the best part: At the end of the show we rushed the stage and almost touched Captain Feathersword, then we had to swim upstream to get back to our seats so we were eventually one of the last families out of the dome. Before we left I approached one of the dome workers and asked if the Wiggles would be signing autographs. They were my new bestfriends, afterall! HE said he didn't know. Then I spotted a wiggles-vest-wearing Aussie who gave me the official "Um, No Maam (you American crazy mom!) they are not" DARN! We sang the whole way home though and I will never miss another Wiggles Show.

Just so you know, we totally listen to appropriate amounts of real music with Sylvie including The Beatles, Bob Marley and Fiddler on the Roof Soundtrack just to name a few of our favorites. So there.


Dorothy, Henry, Capt. Feathersword and Wags

Can't wait to get into the show!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sylvie's favorite soing is - Brothers and Sisters! from Free To Be. Her next favorite is "To Life! from Fiddler on the Roof! She sings BaBa Black Sheep!

She thinks that dancing is the Irish Jig from the wiggles. She holds her hands on her hips and steps forward and backward.

She says, "Go to sleep!" and you have to close your eyes and drop your head so then she shouts - "Wake Up!" You have to rub your cheeks & ears and garble out loud, "boogle boogle boogle"